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Disciple A City is a ministry program of Selwyn Outreach Centre in which our local staff team helps train and resource christians and churches to share the Gospel, reach the lost and make new disciples. Through city wide worship events, prayer burns/walking and evangelism training the Disciple A City program is providing the tools and culture for believers across Canada to fulfill the Great Commission.

To donate to the staff or program of Disciple A City:


1. Visit:

2. Fill out the online form

3. Add in the comment box where you’d like your donation to go

(staff name* or DAC general)


*All Disciple A City staff function as missionaries and raise their own support to fulfill the needs of the Disciple A City Program.

Staff include: Adam Shepski, Pearl Luymes, Sarah Barr, Carol Devey, and Francisco Castro


For more information: contact Adam at

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